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Selection of Low Dielectric Constant Fiberglass Material for Blended Fabrics

As 7628,2116,1080 and other electronic fabrics are used to make copper-clad reinforced textile electronic materials, warp and weft yarns are silicate glass with the material in the high-temperature conditions through the physical and chemical reaction of the silicate, Through the drain pull drawing made of glass silicate with different composition of the textile glass fiber […]

Study on Low Dielectric Properties of 7628 fiberglass Blended Fabric

Based on requirements of today’s digital electronic product and electrical performance, Study on the Dielectric Properties of Blended Electronic Fabric with Low Permittivity Glass Fiber Material Carrying out Two-in-one Matching Relationship, The purpose is to be able to reduce the dielectric constant of PCB board effectively and Improve the spread of PCB board electrical signal […]